>> Exception occured while retrieving the Flowtrace XML for the Composite Instance; ECID: ef0c96a86f28608a:-13b68de8:141687988a0:-8000-00000000000b0351
>> java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested audit trail size is larger than threshold 1048576 chars
Root Cause:
InstanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold is used to limit the audit trail size while it is being built. The default value is 1MB. If the audit trail exceeds the instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold size (1MB by default), then an exception is thrown, and the audit trail is not fully built.
If you are getting an exception while retrieving audit trails from EM, that states the "instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold" has been exceeded then increase the default value.
To change instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold -
1. Right click on SOA-Infra and navigate till Audit Config
SOA_Infra ->Administration -> System Mbean Browser ->Application Defined MBeans -> ->Select server ->SoaInfraConfig -> soa-infra -> Audit Config
2. Change instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold value(In my case we have to raise it till 4 MB) and click Apply.
>> Exception occured while retrieving the Flowtrace XML for the Composite Instance; ECID: ef0c96a86f28608a:-13b68de8:141687988a0:-8000-00000000000b0351
>> java.rmi.RemoteException: EJB Exception: ; nested exception is:
>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Requested audit trail size is larger than threshold 1048576 chars
Root Cause:
InstanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold is used to limit the audit trail size while it is being built. The default value is 1MB. If the audit trail exceeds the instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold size (1MB by default), then an exception is thrown, and the audit trail is not fully built.
If you are getting an exception while retrieving audit trails from EM, that states the "instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold" has been exceeded then increase the default value.
To change instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold -
1. Right click on SOA-Infra and navigate till Audit Config
SOA_Infra ->Administration -> System Mbean Browser ->Application Defined MBeans -> ->Select server ->SoaInfraConfig -> soa-infra -> Audit Config
2. Change instanceTrackingAuditTrailThreshold value(In my case we have to raise it till 4 MB) and click Apply.
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